Google Adsense New Interface

Google Adsense new interface, but before the new display Google Adsense discusses the Previously I would like to extend an apology to all readers and subscribers of this blog, because I was so busy work so long I do not write on this blog, yesterday I check Page Rank Blog has been rose to Pagerank 2, this makes me excited to revive this blog.
Google Adsense, who is not familiar with the company the world's largest Internet Advertising,

After some time using the old interface Google finally released a new interface for Google Adsense, the actual interface has long been launched in beta, but mulaipertengahan in November 2011 all publishers are required to switch to the new look, it's a new look from Google adsense report much more complete and informative, but this will make it difficult for the user who has not ever tried this new look. all takes time and kebiaaan to use something new. The goal of Google is to provide information more simple but more complete, hopefully we will not be too difficult to switch to a more modern look of this

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