5 ways to increase blog traffic

Most webmasters / bloggers would want your website / blog to have many visitors.
SEOmoz made 21 tips to increase traffic. Pages there can be a starting point for anyone who is trying to increase traffic to your website / blog, or are trying to implement basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Below I summarize the most important based on experience alone.

Create a title with two goals in the 'audience'.
First and foremost is to create a title for people who visit your blog through search engines or for people who have become customers through the feed. Try the title is short, on-topic, and eye-catching. Second, think about search engines as well as giving a title, search engines will greatly assist in directing traffic. The best way is by writing articles and the title first, then do a search on the phrase and Overture to find a better ordering.

Covering topics that need attention.
For each field there are always new topics and frequently asked questions. This applies to all types of sites, but more easily done on the blog.
For example, if everyone on the forum forex many questions about the characteristics of a good broker, provide answers to these questions. Or for example in the field of online stock trading many who asked what the best stocks after a terrorist attack, it is clear what should be done. Take time to research, documentation, and preparation of the manuscript.

Use smart URLs.
The best URL structure for a blog to me is that as short as possible, but clearly enough to make educated guess about the material in it. I do not like the 10 hyphen in the URL with a long title that is created automatically by many CMS, but it's still better than using dynamic parameters in the URL. Maybe you think the dynamic parameters in URLs 'can not influence', but must note that by rewriting '? Id = 450' to '/ 450' results would be far better and more memorable.

Take advantage of high traffic days.
If you somehow got an abundance of visitors, perhaps because of overflow traffic from blogs / sites that create links to big for your blog, take advantage of this momentum. Make a 2-3 high quality posts on this period that show your skill as a writer and breadth of your knowledge. Make your visitors know that 'this is the content they want Should be sticking around to see more'. If this is not done within 48 hours after a surge of visitors, then forget it, we start again from scratch.

Build the image.
One of the most important of all things in the world of blogging is the brand-building. In order to have a big name, it is necessary to build an image where people want to join, an image which people feel they get value. Exclusivity can make new visitors feel uncomfortable and wonder, but it's very important to make visitors feel comfortable loyal long. Maintaining long visitors may be more important than attract new visitors. Be careful with the image, when people like the perception it would be very difficult to change. Need a bigger effort to change the image rather than create it from scratch.
If you make a new blog, or blog that continues to have low traffic should write down the goals to be achieved with the following image attributes of identity that accompanies it as a reminder when it is written.

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