How to avoid hacking facebook?

Facebook is currently the world's largest social networking that can take over the attention of more than 350 million people, here too, the more people who are there just for fun or other purposes by private interests who seek to take over administrator rights the owner of Facebook, perhaps some of our readers already find some way of breaking into a facebook, or take over by force.
so far there are two surefire way which is very widely used by the breaker, the first way is with a keylogger
(usually diwarnet) and the second way with fake login ..

Before I explain how to avoid breaking it so I'll explain what a keylogger and a fake login.
Keylogger: the mean log or record and key means the keyboard, which is a software that functions to record all activity from the keyboard, in other words, whatever we press on the keyboard will be recorded by the keylogger.
here, including your username and password that you typed.
The second login Fake: or equal to the false entrance, we essentially lured either by e-mail or apaun kesebuah way that points us in exactly like the facebook page, whereas it is a fake page. and the fake page is attached a script that served to record the username and password that you input to be sent to the owner or maker fake site.
Okay now back to the core problem. To avoid all of that then we should be careful, or by way of the following ways:
1. use On screen keyboard to prevent keyloggers crime, and we also hope that the computers we use are not installed mouselogger or other regulatory programs, on screen there keyboar every Windows operating system click start> all programs> accessories> accessbility> On-Screen Keyboard
2. if there is a link bid and we are asked to enter a username and password make sure the address on the address bar is, because many fraudsters are making a very similar address, such as, and others.
3. Be careful with any suspicious bid or an email that leads us to a link that is not clear.

Tips from me so hopefully can help the reader from the virtual world crimes

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